Oh Hi, I’m Mary!

Welcome to What EMpty Nest?

I had grand plans for my “Empty Nest.” I was sure my husband and I would have lots of leisure time to do all the things on our bucket list. I thought we would have quiet evenings at home where we talked about important things that mattered to us. I thought we’d travel to all those places we didn’t have time for when the kids were growing up.

We made plans for a little log home in the woods where we could “get away from it all.” In fact, when we started our family in our early 20’s we promised ourselves that by our 50″s life would be easy. (What in the world were we thinking?)

But it didn’t turn out that way!

Life happened! Now in our sixth decade our home has been a revolving door as we’ve gladly welcomed our adult children to share life with us when they needed us. One by one our parents and others in our extended family have needed assistance as they dealt with prolonged illness, aging and death. Our finances took a deep dive when the economy tanked, and personal health challenges all but stopped us in our tracks, and we began to wonder if the “Empty Nest” was just a myth.

And that’s exactly what “What Empty Nest?” is all about.

Instead of letting frustration and overwhelm take over when challenging circumstances come your way, I want to show you how it is possible to adopt an attitude of joy and a sense of purpose, when others make unexpected demands on your time.

Together we’ll explore the areas of our life that keep our nests full and how to allocate them to their own space. Having been a caregiver for over a decade to multiple generations, I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned and the tools I count on when life gets tough. Some of the resources to help navigate bumpy roads and simplify the process include:

  • Taking Care of You, A guide for when you are taking care of everyone else

Here are a couple of blog posts to get you started:

Let’s carve out a corner in our “busy nests” to have a little “empty nest” time. Ready to come along for the ride? Email me at mary@whatemptynest.com and let’s start the conversation.