Oh Hi, I’m Mary!
Welcome to What EMpty Nest?
I had grand plans for my “Empty Nest.” I was sure my husband and I would have lots of leisure time to do all the things on our bucket list. I thought we would have quiet evenings at home where we talked about important things that mattered to us. I thought we’d travel to all those places we didn’t have time for when the kids were growing up.
Sometimes our expectations don’t materialize quite how we expected. If your “nest” is anything like mine, it isn’t often empty and its rarely quiet. Perhaps you have elderly parents to care for or look in on, or grandkids that are close by that you love seeing regularly.
Or perhaps you have a child that is approaching adulthood that just isn’t ready to strike out on their own, or they have a diagnosis or disability that makes it hard to think they’ll ever be able to manage independence.
And that’s exactly what “What Empty Nest?” is all about.
I want to show you how it is possible to adopt an attitude of joy and a sense of purpose when your expectations don’t materialize.
What Empty Nest is here to encourage you when the daily grind is exhausting.
What Empty Nest is here to equip you to help your young adult with a diagnosis or disability with the resources needed to achieve maximum independence either at home or on their own.
What Empty Nest is here to empower your young adult to explore their options. We provide the resources needed to practice the skills that will help them to be confident, aware and contributing members of the family and their community.
In turn we’ll help you, the parent, to find time freedom and maybe to dream again of your future as you age.
Ready to explore the possibilities?
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