Free Bundle – valued at $97

Exploring Independence VIP Bundle

Take the next action steps in Exploring Independence by determining readiness for you and your young adult child with the Readiness Assessment Bundle plus the book for parents, The Not-So-Empty Nester Blues, and the first book in the not yet released series of Functional Life Skills – Reviewing Executive Function, along with bonus worksheets on setting goals for the next set of life skills for your young adult to learn.

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In this free Bundle you will begin the journey; exploring readiness for independence

  • Determine if you and your young adult are ready for more independence by taking the assessments
  • Learn about the thoughts that keep you as the parent stuck and how you can reframe those thoughts to be your young adults biggest cheerleader
  • Begin to review the executive function skills and why they are so important for independence
Are you ready?

Mary’s information for families who are supporting their young adult children to become independent is practical and easy to follow.  The content is robust yet written in a concise way so that goals are measurable and success is within reach for a wide range of individuals.  It can easily be adapted for young adults with learning and social challenges as well.  Mary has done her homework, based on personal experience and a wealth of knowledge, in order to make life a little easier for others on the same journey. – Hope Learning Center

I’m Mary

I am passionate about helping you find freedom in your not-so-empty nest.

Come along with us as we explore finding more independence both for your young adult with special needs and for you. Whether your young adult finds more Independence at Home or on their own, you will both learn how to be confident in the next steps that are for your specific journey and how to prepare for the changes that come our way as we age.

It’s your journey, enjoy every stage along the way.

For more information, you can reach out to me at

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